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Hike around Lake Monona for 12 miles!


Date: May 28, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM
Starting Point: Turville Point


Join us for a fun and healthy hike around Lake Monona! We will walk 12 miles, starting at Turville Point and going clockwise around the lake.

What You Need to Know:

  • Shoes: Wear comfortable walking shoes. Heavy hiking boots are not needed since the path is paved.
  • Water: Bring at least 3 liters of water.
  • Gear: Pack rain gear in case it rains.
  • Snacks: Bring some snacks to keep your energy up.

Ending Point:

We will finish our hike at a local restaurant and enjoy a healthy salad together.

This hike is a great way to exercise after a weekend of grilled food. I’m excited to see you all there!

Please Note:

  • You are joining this hike at your own risk.
  • I am not responsible for any accidents or injuries.

Let’s have a safe and enjoyable hike! See you on May 28th at Turville Point!


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